So here are some possible labels for these pics. If they don't seem to match, then don't get too confused, just cast about for the most likely candidate.
I'd hate for people to get confused. There's quite enough confusion in the world already.
Photos 1-6 and 10 are of the streets I ride down getting to school (the first one is looking down our street from just outside our house). Unfortunately, the day I took the camera everything was completely dead--usually there's all sorts of interesting things going on.
I've been particularly captured by the saga of the pothole. Potholes are everywhere, but the one in the photo is a particularly deep and nasty example. Small children have fallen into it and never been recovered. People from one of the houses nearby took it upon themselves to mark the pothole with a pole (possibly out of a sense of civic duty, possibly because they were bored with being woken at 4am by the sounds of screams and rending metal). Then the hole was 'fixed', and the pole removed by the workmen.
Within hours, the hole was as bad as ever again, and the community-minded neighbours replaced the pole, this time festooning it with plastic bags and adding a couple of car tyres for emphasis.
The hole was fixed again, it reappeared again, etc etc etc.
When I rode home last night, it was straddled by an old can chair with car tyres piled on top, surmounted by three poles sporting at least a dozen plastic bags of various hues.
The saga continues...
Photos 8 and 9 are of me arriving safely at school; nice and early because I wanted to chew through some work before meeting Tash and Iola at Carre Four for lunch, only to find that the builders (doing some renovations) had disappeared with the keys! Thus the pic of Nia and James sitting out the front, frantically phoning and texting people to try and find one of the other sets!
Number 7: Iola all tuckered out after a hard day's play with Neiko.
Numbers 11 and 12: Haute Coutre in the Arab Quarter.
13: One of Iola's many fan clubs hooking up for a photo sess. Damn the papparazi. Damn them all ;-)
14: You see the oddest things through a taxi window--this is smack in the middle of a busy, crowded, high-tech(ish) city of three or four million people!
15: Myf spashed out on this ten dollar sushi spread at TP.
16 and 17: New-school mall (TP) where the shops tend to sell rolexes and diamond-encrusted handbags, followed by old-school mall (Pasar Atom) with hundreds of fabric shops, tailors, spices etc. I think I prefer the old-school!
18: Jake and Neiko spending some quality time at the zoo.
19: Iola and Neiko rocking out in our loungeroom.
20: Kiddies hairdresser at TP. When I was a kid, you got dragged down the local barber for the 70's equivalent of a pudding-bowl cut. Entertainment was strictly limited to the ratty, dog-eared pile of Tarzan comics and old People magazines on the table. These days they can sit in their toy car playing Playstation while they get their hair styled! I miss the tarzan comics.
21: Taken from the observation tower at the zoo. Interesting mix of old Dutch architecture and contemporary Toytown-style mall.
22: The view south from the zoo. If you look closely, you can just make out the mountains on the left.
23:Buffalo soldier.
24: Everything can be pedal-powered if you try hard enough...
25: The ultimate No Parking sign--en route to the night markets down the road.
26: Enjoying Thai/Cowboy fusion cuisine,
she's getting very bendy
Why is it us parents love pics of our kids SLEEPING so much? Why indeed...
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