Iola loves it, it's just down the road, and it costs all of rp10000 to get in (ie a little over a dollar!)--so we're becoming quite regular visitors (Tash and Iola even more so than me: Surabaya's a little short on green spaces to go walking, but the zoo fits the bill nicely, so they often wander down there of an afternoon while I'm at work).
This photo of Iola sleeping reminds me of photos of either Kate or Megan (my sisters) sleeping when they were babies. I can't remember off the top of my head which one; maybe it was both!
Speaking of the little monkey, she is changing and developing on literally a daily basis. She practices standing and sitting down again from a sitting start over and over again (and looks pretty damn proud of herself when she does it too!). She's quite comfortable walking if you hold her hand, but so far has only taken one or two fumbling steps without the safety net of feeling Tash or me holding on. Her newest game is quite good for my cardiovascular fitness (and for tiring her out). She throws one of her plastic balls across the room, and I chase after it and kick it back to her for her to catch. They bounce a long way, so if she misses it she has to scuttle like a demon to get to it before I do.
We're very grateful for the fact that all our floors are tiled, because while she's been using her three new chompers to feed herself, quite a lot of her food tends to end up on the floor. And what an amazing variety of food it is, too... She's a fiend for her victuals, and I don't think we've found anything she won't eat yet (oh yeah--except some particularly spicy urap-urap that she swiped off Tash's plate, and a lime that I still feel guilty about. She grabbed it off Tash's plate and made a hilarious face when she shoved it in her mouth, so I grabbed the camera to film her trying it again. This was all very funny right up to the bit where she threw up everywhere. Oops). Her favourites are: oatmeal with banana and yoghurt, tofu, mie goreng, frozen camomile tea, broccoli, mushrooms, corn flakes, french toast and pretty much anything she can get away with snatching off our plates...
Anyway, we're off to Supermall so she can have a play in the adventure playground there. The plan (which has worked before) is to tire her out with playing so she falls asleep and we can go to the movies...
1 comment:
Heya, she's so cute, your new life looks beautiful, all my love to you all, love auntie M xxx
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