Monday, May 19, 2008

We Have a Winner

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
After the Gymboree fiasco, we were a little depressed about Iola's
chances of getting out there and meeting kids—you know, just hanging
out, chewing the fat, maybe rolling the odd ball around—without having
to subject herself to an intensive immersion course in Sumerian
astrology or something, and without her parents having to remortgage
the house in Darwin! (Although she has been spending some quality time
with Wayne and Emily's little boy Wyatt, who seems to have formed
quite an attachment to her.)
Yesterday we took her to one of the many adventure playground/obstacle
course/nightmare offspring of a deranged cubist and an inbred
surrealist that litter the Surabayan mallscape like the discarded toys
of a toddler god.
It totally rocked her world.
She started off in the baby section, but after a half-hour or so
exploring that she'd had enough, and set off for distant horizons. I
was following her pretty closely, but she never looked back to check
as she disappeared into the 'big kids' section, making her way through
the ropes and up the ladder to the second floor!
She got to play with other kids, too; which made her a very happy
little girl. Tomorrow's a public holiday here, so we're setting off to
a random mall so she can have more adventures…

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